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Yasumi v1.8.1 Release Notes

Released on January 11, 2019

Yasumi version 2.0 has been released (and v1.8.1)!

With the release of Yasumi v2.0.0 supporting only PHP version 7.1 (or higher), support for PHP 5 in Yasumi has ended (Sorry!).

This 1.8.1 bug fix release has been made available for those that still are on PHP 5 (or are in the process of upgrading to PHP 7). It only includes some serious/critical bug fixes discovered since version 1.8.0 and no new countries have been added for example.

Please be aware that all new development will be done from v2.0.0 onwards (in the 'develop' branch). The 'support/1.8.x' branch has been created for critical bug fixes only.

Changes - Added PHP 7.2 and 7.3 to the TravisCI configuration. - Changed Japanese holiday for the 2020 Olympic Games. Marine Day, Mountain Day and Health And Sports Day. #113 - Changed translation for Norway's national day. #98

Resolved issues - Except New Years Day, all holidays for Russia didn't have the locale parameter in place, causing Yasumi to use the fallback locale ('en_US'). - Fixed spelling issue in the Swedish translation. #97 - Fixed spelling issues in the Danish translation. #96 - Fixed German Easter Sunday and Pentecost Sunday holidays (not nationwide, only in Brandenburg). #100 - Fixed BetweenFilter to ignore time part and timezone. #101 - Fixed bug in provider list generation related to variable order of files returned by the filesystem #107 - Fixed issues that assertNotHoliday() skips rest of test - Type cast to integer as Yasumi::create() requires an integer. - Changed access to static variables with 'self'. Accessing with 'static' can lead to possible sub-classes. - Corrected date parameter to be of DateTime (instead of DateTimeInterface) as the parameter object needs to be a direct instance. - Changed way to get current year so value is an integer (as required by the class). PHP's date function is intended for formatting and returns a string type as such. - Corrected test using different start year to avoid incorrect assertion.